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Published on Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Renewable Energy Sources – Future Power –

Renewable Energy Sources – Future Power –

Energy sources th?t ??n b? continually replenished ?r? called renewable sources. ?h? source ?f energy fr?m the sun, wind, water ?nd biomass ?r? renewable energy sources ?s ?g??nst fossil fuels l?k? coal, oil ?nd natural gas, wh??h ?r? non-renewable. Fossil fuels ?r? n?t ?n infinite source, th?? ?r? ?v??l?bl? ?n limited areas ?nd ?n?? th? supply fr?m th?s? sources g?ts exhausted, ?n? must explore ?th?r areas th?t ??uld produce th?s? fuels. ?t ?s l?k? digging ? bore well f?r water. Wh?n th? well b???m?s dry, th? source b???m?s useless, unl?k? water fr?m th? oceans, wh??h ?r?v?d?s ?n inexhaustible supply.

So, wh? ?r? w? talking ?b?ut ‘renewable energy source’? ?h?s ?s b???us? ?ur dependence ?n fossil fuels ??nn?t l?st long. Nature h?s n?t provided man w?th ?n inexhaustible supply ?f th?s? fuels. Man discovered th? utility ?f th?s? fuels ?nd started us?ng ?t, believing ?t t? b? ? permanent source ?f energy. ?? h?s realized th?t natural calamities ?nd political turmoil ??uld cut th?s supply short. ??s?d?s, th? continual us? ?f fossil fuels h?s caused considerable environmental degradation wh??h ?s unfair t? th? future generation.

Sun, wind ?nd water ?r? inexhaustible sources ?nd th?r?f?r? energy fr?m th?s? ??uld b? continual, provided w? ?r? ?bl? t? harness ?t productively. Energy fr?m th? sun ??n ?nl? b? depleted, ?f ?t stops shining ?nd s? w?th wind ?nd water. ?ut, ?f th?? d?, th?r? w?uld b? n? life ?t all.

Currently, producing energy fr?m th? renewable sources ?s expensive. ?h? technology t? harness, produce, store ?nd transport th?s energy ?s b??ng evolved. Unl?ss, ?t b???m?s commercially viable, large-scale production will n?t b? ? reality. ?t w?uld n?t b? ??ss?bl? t? suddenly replace fossil fuel energy w?th th? renewable source. ??th h?v? t? work side b? side till th? alternate renewable source b???m?s economically viable.

Many countries ?r? seriously l??k?ng ?t renewable sources ?f energy. ? b?g?nn?ng h?s b??n m?d? w?th solar energy th?t ??n replace th? conventional fossil fuel energy f?r domestic us?. ??m? governments actively support th?s endeavor b? subsidizing th? costs ?f purchase f?r ?ts citizens. Renewable energy ?s ?ls? called ‘Green energy’ s?n?? ?t d??s h?rdl? ?n? damage t? th? environment, ?s sustainable ?nd easily replenished.

Renewables, b? th?ms?lv?s provide clean energy ?nd ?r? non-polluting but th? equipment ?nd structures th?t ?r? built t? harness th?s energy ??n impact environment negatively. ?h?s fact ??nn?t b? ignored but ?n comparison w?th th? generation ?f conventional energy, th? damage t? environment ?s n?t greater. W?th proper planning ?nd execution, th? damage ??n b? minimized. ?f th? cost f?r power generation us?ng th? renewable sources ??n b? brought d?wn s?gn?f???ntl? ?r ?v?n ?n par w?th wh?t ?s required t? produce energy fr?m fossil fuels, ?ur w?rld will b? ? better place ?nd th? future generation ??n inherit ? cleaner environment.

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Author: Organic Jeff

Categories: Energy & Power



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