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Published on Wednesday, August 12, 2015

How to Make a Regular Green Roof

How to Make a Regular Green Roof
Creating a green roof is something that many green living enthusiasts tend to associate with building a new structure. However, there are several ways to take an already established structure with a standard roof and make that roof into a green roof option. The following are some ways to make a regular roof a green roof.


The first step in taking a regular roof and creating a green roof is to check the structural integrity and strength of the present roof. You will need to make sure that the roof has enough strength to hold up the ways that a green roof option has. Depending on the type of green roof that you want you may need to reinforce the present roof or you may need to add to the roof in order to create the proper roof structure. Regardless of the type of green roof you want to establish, the regular roof structure can remain as a foundation for that roof.

What Options Do You Want?

There are two basic designs for green roofs. The first design is an extensive design. The extensive design is the most popular design for people who are re-creating a regular roof into a green roof. The reason for this is because the extensive roofing options are center with simpler plot makeups and a minimal amount of soil. This means that if you are unable to strengthen the roof for a much larger concept, then the extensive roof would fit nicely. The second option is the intensive roof option. An intensive green roof is much more complex and design, requires much more strength of the original roof foundation and must have a deep soil depth. This means that each square foot of the roof must be able to maintain 80 to 100 pounds of weight in order to remain functional. In order to move forward you will need to decide what type of roof is best for you and what options you want on that roof to determine if the roof strength you have is good or if you need to make some adjustments.


Remember that all green roofs require a form of irrigation. You will need to consider the type of irrigation and your budget for that irrigation system. An extensive roof option will still need an extensive amount of pipes and sprinklers to maintain the green roof. You will need to make sure that not only your roof is strong enough to maintain the green roof but it is also strong enough to maintain the irrigation unit. You will need to make sure waterproofing material is in place on the structure and the need for structure in order to avoid damage to the home itself.

Project Completion

Once you have decided the strength level of the current roof, the options that you want in the green roof design and the irrigation system that is best for your green roof then it is time to hire a contractor. Though most individuals try to handle this type of roofing project on their own is advised to use a contractor with an extensive background in green living and green roof design. This is to ensure that you do not damage the home or that you do not try to set up a green roof that will not work with the current foundation.
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Author: Organic Jeff

Categories: Green Homes



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