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Published on Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Monsanto Finally To Be Put On Trial For Crimes Against Humanity


Monsanto Finally To Be Put On Trial For Crimes Against Humanity

Already Monsanto has been seen in Paris at COP21 recently being charged for 'crimes against humanity and the environment'. There is also a tribunal being scheduled called the 'Monsanto Tribunal' scheduled to be held on World Food Day in The Hague next October. This hearing will be conducted during the Conference of the Parties 21 (COP21) because they plan to expose how corporation control agrifood systems. They also want to implement real action against climate change.


What Are The Charges Against Monsanto?


            They have already commented that Monsanto is being charged for 'crimes against humanity and the environment', but what do those charges mean? Currently they are claiming that Monsanto contributes to one third of the worlds anthropogenic green house gas emissions if not more. They are also being accused of being responsible for depletion of soil and water resources to a large extent. There are also accusations that the have personally displaced numerous small farmers and declining biodiversity. There are also allegations that they have contributed to the extinction of certain species of animals because of their blatant disregard for nature and the environment. They have been knowingly using engineered plants that call up the demand for dangerous pesticides and herbicides including glyphosate, 2, 4-D and dicamba on their crops. As well as using manipulation of banks, politicians and the media to stay in their current high standing as largest player in the agribusiness.


What Are The Intentions Of The Tribunal


            The 'Monsanto Tribunal' has been put together to gather the information against Monsanto and decide on a course of action to take to correct and hold Monsanto accountable. The COP21 will be doing the real work in helping decide how to reduce the emission of carbon into the atmosphere and figure out how to remove it. By holding the Monsanto Tribunal during all of these gatherings of civil society groups and grassroots movements they hope to expose how corporations are holding a monopoly over agrifood systems. They also wish to find a real action plan against climate change to adapt to and mitigate over. This will also help bring to light their role in the 'climate smart' language that will dominate food security and land use discussions. Vandana Shiva states that it is critical to show them that environmentally savvy individuals and groups are watching how the handle the situation. They want to devise a plan that creates renewable farming opportunities instead of destructive ones. They feel that the best way to help pull carbon out of the air is by getting it into the soil with healthy farm systems.


Overall Implementation


            This tribunal will hopefully come to a successful conclusion by holding Monsanto accountable for all the crimes they are convicted of and have to repay to correct the damages if possible. They will also hopefully come up with a way to prevent and counter this in the future so that there are no more opportunities for companies to do this kind of immoral thing to our environment again. If all of these things can come to a successful end and finish with the beginning of a turning point for fixing the damage already done then COP21 and the tribunal have done a pretty decent job. 

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Author: Vrountas

Categories: Blogs, Companies



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